What are you hoping for this Holiday Season? Is it a renewed marriage, a reunified family, conquering an addiction, relief from anxiety and depression, or maybe being able to be free from the haunting trauma of an abusive relationship? If you are hoping for one of these things to happen, than you have much in common with the clients at Beacon of Hope.

Our clients come with many struggles and from many different backgrounds. But they have one thing in common with us all, they are people, and a people in need of healing. To say it another way, a people that should be able to receive help from competent mental health workers without having to worry about how they might afford the service.

So many cannot afford counseling and so many get discouraged and have their joy stolen. Hundreds, probably thousands of people right in our community have lost their joy. They are struggling to make ends meet and just cannot fathom what it means to have joy. Joy can be complex and hard to describe. Joy is not happiness. You can struggle to be happy but still have joy – it may be difficult to understand, but joy is within and happiness is outward. Joy is in the heart.

I remember singing “I got the joy joy joy joy down in my heart” as a kid. It was a fun song and I probably did not understand what it was trying to say. So many people end up letting their joy be taken from them by other people or different life events. But it does not have to be that way.

This time of the year we often sing Joy to the World. But do we really pay attention to those words or do we just remotely sing them because we have been doing it since we were kids?

“He rules the world with truth and grace
And makes the nations prove
The glories of His righteousness
And wonders of His love
And wonders of His love”

God loves each and every one of us. He is in charge. He is on the throne. He puts joy in our hearts. Its His ways that are way bigger than ours. His righteousness prevails. His wonders – they are all His. Hang tight to the joy that is available to us all.

And if you are struggling to hang on, please know you are not alone. This world can be a lonely place; one filled with heartache and pain. If this describes you today and you have had your joy stolen; I would strongly recommend you reach out to someone now and seek assistance. Counseling is for everyone. Counseling is a blessing. Our ministry is here for everyone and if you have insurance and can afford counseling you still can call us and we would be happy to share other competent options in our surrounding communities.

Together let’s hang on to the JOY so we can share the JOY. A Joy unspeakable and full of glory. God will straighten all that is bent. God makes a broad place for our feet so our ankles do not turn (II Samuel 22:37). What a great promise. An athlete would love to have the comfort to know that their ankles are safe – but that verse means so much more. Oh, to have the JOY of solid ground under our feet. Feel the JOY! God’s promises always come through – not one has ever failed.

May the JOY of Christmas overshadow you this season as you seek Him. May the JOY of the manger bring you the peace and hope you long to find. God’s JOY is for you, do not let anyone take it from you. Be strong and courageous, hold fast to His strength and know He cares for you.

Merry Christmas,


Kyle Thompson EdD LPC

Executive Director



PS. Your gift today of $645.00 will on average bring a client from start to finish in their counseling journey. Restore the JOY in a person’s life this Christmas. Help shine the light of Christ into a dark circumstance today.


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Seasons of Change