Patience in Change
One of the biggest lessons I have learned during my time here at Beacon of Hope has been patience. Patience with myself. Patience with clients. Patience with the process of counseling.
Be The Light 5k 2021
On your mark, get set, GO! With music playing in the background and people cheering along the start line, runners and walkers take off for the 2nd annual Be the Light 5k.
The Embodiment of Christ in Service
This summer, I have had the incredible privilege of serving (and being served) at Beacon of Hope. Observing the way this beautiful ministry ebbs and flows from day-to-day, and being a part of that, has been an honor that is quite hard to quantify.
Our Emotional Health is Just as Important as Our Physical Health
Asking for any type of mental health help is hard at times.
Giving Back to the Community I Grew Up In
When I was seeking a place to do my internship in counseling, I wanted to make sure it would be a place where I knew I could give back to the community that I grew up in. Beacon of Hope was an answer to that prayer.
We Can Turn to Jesus in Times of Anxiety and Despair
We can turn to Jesus in times of anxiety and despair, knowing he not only understands, but overturns death. And just as Jesus called Mary Magdalene by name, he calls you by name, too.
Groups are Growing
See how God has been at work, growing Beacon of Hope’s group counseling.
A Year of Great Opportunity
We did it! We completed 2020! Congratulations, you persevered and have moved on to a new year—a year of great opportunity. Every year has great opportunities. Yes, even 2020, among all its hang-ups and headaches, had opportunities.
My Internship at Beacon of Hope Made Me the Counselor I Am Today
Before Beacon of Hope, I was really struggling with Imposter Syndrome. Am I doing enough? Am I doing this right? Do I have what it takes to a counselor? What kind of counselor is God calling me to be? Honestly, there are still days where I end a session and think I’m not cut out for this.
Switching to Telehealth
The amount of adaptation, training and, creative problem solving our team accomplished in such a short period of time, on a very tight budget, while also juggling the stress of an unfolding global pandemic, astounds me.